The Beasts They Turned Away

The Beasts They Turned Away by Ryan Dennis

  • Format Read – Paperback
  • How did I get this book – ARC Copy sent by publisher
  • Date Read – February 15th – 19th
  • Genre – Literary Fiction
  • Publisher – Epoque Press

Íosac Mulgannon is a man called to stand. Losing a grip on his mental and physical health, he is burdened with looking after a mute child whom the local villagers view as cursed. The aging farmer stubbornly refuses to succumb in the face of adversity and will do anything, at any cost, to keep hold of his farm and the child. This dark and lyrical debut novel confronts a claustrophobic rural community caught up in the uncertainties of a rapidly changing world.

The Beasts They Turned Away is a book that is unlike any I have read in recent memory. While this is a book based in a rural setting, and primarily told from the viewpoint of a farm, it is not a book that is only for people from a farming background. I barely know one end of a cow from the other to be honest, but I still really enjoyed this.

The writing was absolutely fantastic and the story had me questioning everything I was reading. It is a bit of a strange story, which starts out with a child deciding he is quite happy to stroll around with a cows skull on his head (not a spoiler, it is the cover of the book). I was searching for the hidden meaning in every sentence trying to piece everything together as I went. This is not a book in which the story was clear from the off, at least it wasn’t for me, but if anything this added to my enjoyment of the book.

The Beasts They Turned Away is written in short but exceptional chapters, which is perfect for what is being presented. I read this book in short bursts, and it is hard to think that the author means for it to be consumed any other way. Each time you dip into this book it gives you something to be savored.

This is a book that I thought was innovative and thought provoking. It is a striking look at the inward and focused mentality that we sometimes associate with small towns and rural communities. The story based on what is essentially a strange occurrence in the town, and how the residents react to it. This coupled with the story of Íosac’s own personal issues make for a striking tale. It is one which I plan on reading again with a highlighter to pick up some of the finer moments. Recommended to fans of the genre.

The Beasts They Turned Away will be published by Epoque Press on 11th March.

There will be a virtual book launch in association with Kennys Bookshop at 7pm (London Time) on the day of release. If you are interested in attending the launch please check out the link below.